I’m warmth. Warmth can be a planet, like the sun, but it can also be found in a lightbulb. Warmth is almost everywhere. It can even be in people. Not in a litteral meaning. When you show your support and love to someone, you give them your warmth. And when they treasure that, you will get warmth back. By being a caring person, you will create warmth. It is something that humans need naturally.
You don’t have to give someone presents to be a warm person. People that are trustworthy resonate warmth. People that are understanding of others are as well. People that are motivated and do their best and work hard, have very warm brains and muscles. So you see that there are many ways to resonate warmth.
Fire likes to grow and become huge. When you taste warmth, there is always a taste for more. So let me tell you how to create warmth and how to let that shine and echo around your area. Here are my notes.

First, I have to teach you how to not lose the warmth that you already have: don’t let other people let you down or demotivate you from your goal. If you’re honestly motivated to get your goal and you truly believe you work hard enough, things will work out fine. Just make sure that you are staying true to your integrity. Of course people can be critical of you, but maybe they have to find out what you are actually capable of. Show them! You can do it.

Secondly, what are your intentions? Why are you doing what you are doing? Are you doing because you have to do it, or are you doing it because you choose to do it? Every time you have to do something and it feels like a task, turn it around and think about it. Use your awareness. If you choose to do something instead of having to do something, it will resonate much more warmth, by far! If it’s still a chore: play with the rules a little and make them your own. Even if you are not following the rules exactly, they will appreciate it after seeing how much care and motivation you put in it.

Thirdly: take the risk and JUST DO IT! You’re in art school for a reason.
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